A Day at the Farmers’ Market

I love shopping at Farmers’ Markets.  In the States, I was able to do just that on a beautiful, sunny day in Florida.  Here’s some pictures of the day I enjoyed with my aunt and sister.



My sister and I picking out some fresh fruit and vegetables.


Enjoying the stalls with my aunt.


Taking a lunch break at the “Nosh Truck”…the sandwiches are amazing!  Chatting with the owner after his new purchase…the bird house for his mother for Christmas, ha!

img_9841Enjoying our sandwiches…check out the WHITE COKE CAN BOTTLE!


Do you have any local farmers’ markets that you frequent?

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6 Responses to A Day at the Farmers’ Market

  1. Leslie says:

    Fun day at the farmers market, great sandwich!

  2. Stylissimo says:

    where is that so warm now?
    Love your hair

  3. gailiotas says:

    Why do Farmer’s Markets, always have the best goodies to eat? Great looking sandwiches, and beautiful produce. Loved the cute birdhouse.

  4. Genevieve says:

    Love Farmer’s Market. Two summers ago I spent many weekends (and some are even open on weekdays) visiting different farmer’s markets, and the Farmer’s Market in Market Square – Old Town Alexandria is by far my fave.

  5. Molliee says:

    I love the farmer’s market over by my apartment in Brentwood… this one look amazing tho!