Category Archives: Play Style
Designer Spotlight-Ali Ro
Ppp…Peplum Please! Peplums have come back and they are in full force as a fashion trend this year. Peplum coming from the Greek word Peplos was a loose outer robe worn by women in ancient Greece and also called a more Wrinkled…
Two Hundred and Thirty-Five
Today the United States of America is 235 years old!!! Whoa, that’s old!!! But when you think about it in the grand-scheme of things, it still seems pretty young…especially when Rome was believed to have been founded in 753 BC, more Wrinkled…
Spotted-In the Urban Jungle
Usually, each week I post one WORK Style outfit, one DAY Style outfit and one PLAY Style outfit, but this week, I’m adding in TWO EXTRA OUTFITS for DAY and PLAY as a I feature a vintage leopard print bolero more Wrinkled…
Posted in Clothing, Day Style, Play Style, Style, Work Style
Tagged Amrita Singh Bangles, Animal Print blazer, Cream Colored Pony, Curling Iron Earrings, Current Elliott denim, Etsy, Gold Ball Chain Jewelry, leopard print bolero jacket, Patent Leather Skinny Belt, Urban Jungle, vintage gold diamond jewelry