This month, I am in Instyle Magazine!!! As most fashion obsessed people out there, I absolutely love Instyle Magazine. Each month when it arrives a huge smile crosses my face, especially when living in Malaysia when mail was rare and on days when I was feeling very homesick. Instyle always seemed to brighten my mood. But there has never been a day when I was this excited to receive my Instyle, because this month I AM IN IT! A couple months ago I submitted the pictures below to Instyle for them to possibly submit my story and picture into their monthly “Ultimate Travel Companion” article. To be honest, I didn’t even think I would ever get the chance with all of their submissions received, but this month there I am, right on page 130 of September’s issue! How exciting! If you aren’t a subscriber of Instyle, maybe you can flip through to find my photo while standing in the grocery store line this month. Thanks again for following and supporting me and Wrinkled Chiffon and thanks, of course, to InStyle! But most importantly thanks to my husband for standing out in the Malaysian heat and snapping continuous shots while I balanced on top of my Instyle library.
The original shots…
My pedestal…