Travel-Burma/Myanmar, The Ancient City of Bagan

Traveling to Burma or Myanmar (as it once again called) was an experience I will never forget.  To explain a little bit of this country’s history…for the last forty years Myanmar has been ruled by a a military junta.  However, just last year, the country began taking steps towards democracy…which has subsequently opened up the country to more tourism.  Never in my life would I have imagined traveling to this far off place.  But as you can tell if you’ve been following my Travel Thursday posts, my husband and I are up for anything!  So again, we took on another adventure and began our journey through Myanmar (to start from the beginning, see here and here).

After leaving the city of Yangon, we traveled north to the Ancient City of Bagan – our favorite part of the trip.  Stepping off the plane in Bagan, was like stepping back in time.  We did not come across a single tall building or apartment complex, not one McDonald’s was spotted along the roads (in fact the only American product we came across, because of the sanctions against the country, was Coca-Cola), it was rare we even saw a car and good luck finding an ATM.  Luckily, we came prepared bringing only cash on our trip (US Dollars actually), which had to be completely void of any markings or creases.  Only crisp, clean dollar bills were accepted.  We made our way around the city by horse cart and seemed to wave and smile at every person we came across.  What a magical place to visit.  I hope you enjoy the pictures from our adventure.

img_7555Getting off the runway in Bagan, I looked back and took a picture of our plane…a prop jet!  Their motto…”You’re Safe With Us.”

img_7583It is difficult to see, but the time in Myanmar is 30 minutes different from the rest of the world!

img_7595Arriving we were able to find a taxi to take us to our hotel.  These were the sights we saw along the way…

myanmar-10img_7649img_7679After getting settled, we hired a horse cart and made our way around the temples of Bagan. more Wrinkled…

Posted in Asia, Burma/Myanmar, Travel | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 11 Comments

Designer Spotlight-Foley + Corinna

I’ve been carrying my Foley + Corinna tote all around town lately as seen here and here, so today I decided to feature Foley + Corinna as this week’s Designer Spotlight!  Much like the story behind Juicy Couture (spotlighted here), Foley + Corinna was started by two women, Dana Foley and Anna Corinna.  After the two joined forces for their love of “all things fabulous”, the company took off and in 2008 the fashion world took notice and invited them to join the Council of Fashion Designers of America (CFDA).  Today, Foley + Corinna handbags and ready-to-wear clothing can be found online and in stores such as Bloomingdale’s, Saks, Neimans, and Nordstrom.  Not to mention their worldwide reach in stores from Chile to Japan!  I love how Foley + Corinna names their brand the “sometimes sexy, sometimes understated, but always striking” collection…every piece always making a statement!  So keeping with their motto, I made a statement in today’s WORK style by carrying my Foley + Corinna tote with my favorite yellow blazer and a pencil skirt for work.  Have a great Wednesday!



Ironing Out the Details:

Blouse – ZARA, Similar
Skirt – ZARA, Similar
Belt – Vintage, Similar here and here
SunglassesFOREVER 21
Bag – FOLEY + CORINNA Lady Cite Tote (color and size sold out), Similar here and here

Posted in Accessories and Handbags, Clothing, Designer Spotlight, Style, Work Style | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 21 Comments


While visiting Singapore this weekend, we took a break from the walking and sat down at a nearby bench.  It just so happened to be at one of the busiest and most exciting shopping corners – the corner of Orchard and Grange.  I found myself people watching and began looking at everyone’s shoes as they walked by.  What started as looking soon became a game as I laughed with my husband and began taking pictures of passers-by’s shoes.  I have never seen so many Converse, Boat Shoes or Crocs in my life!  Everywhere we looked, there they were!  So during our 10 minute break, these were the photos I snapped…on the streets of Singapore.

shoe13shoe1shoe18shoe22shoe3shoe5 more Wrinkled…

Posted in Asia, Shoes, Singapore, Travel | Tagged , , , , , , | 7 Comments