Happy Sunday! I hope everyone is having a great weekend. So can you believe it’s almost May already? I can’t! This year has just flown by! I remember always looking forward to May because school would soon be over and summer vacation was right around the corner. But now all grown up, May has become exciting to me for another reason…this month marks my year anniversary for Wrinkled Chiffon! The year date isn’t exactly here yet, but it’s fast approaching. So with this exciting accomplishment in my life I decided to give Wrinkled Chiffon a birthday present and freshen her up a bit…I do think of it as a “her”, ha! Therefore, please stay tuned for some changes to the layout, look and feel of my site as I begin to unveil a more exciting Wrinkled Chiffon! And I did have some help along the way, so please let me give a very warm and deep appreciated thank you to Pauline Hao and her boyfriend, Edward for all their help. You guys were so amazing and great to work with…your computer skills have been amazing! I will never forget my computer savvy, dynamic duo team while living here in Malaysia!