You have made Hong Kong loads of fun! After a little over a month of bobbing along in the Hong Kong Harbor, the giant 54-foot (4 stories high) rubber duck is leaving Hong Kong. After sailing into the Harbor on May 2nd, the rubber duck was towed away this week on the way to its next destination – the United States…the exact location is currently a secret, but I read somewhere that it’s Pittsburgh! Since 2007, the rubber duckie has traveled to 13 different cities in 9 countries including Osaka, Syndey and Sao Paolo! Created and imagined by Dutch Artist Florentijn Hofman, the hope is for the rubber duckie to spread peace and joy around the world.
This past weekend, my hubby and I visited the Rubber Duckie to say our goodbyes and get some photos. I couldn’t believe the amount of people lined up along the water to catch a glimpse, take pictures and buy duckie souvenirs! Stalls and shops were set up to sell stuffed yellow duckies, duckie balloons, duckie t-shirts and tote bags and of course yellow rubber duckies for the bathtub. I couldn’t resist and ended up buying one. Goodbye Rubber Duckie, thanks for making Hong Kong loads of fun!
On the ferry back towards home. Bye bye duckie!
In case, you have the song in your head already and wanted to hear the whole thing, haha!