Designer Spotlight-Pour La Victoire

I love bringing out my yellow Pour La Victoire sandals…so flirty, detailed and just Spring-like!  Pour La Victoire, inspired by hard-edge European design houses, was introduced to the fashion world in 2008.  With their unique, hand-crafted style, fine detail and high quality leather, Pour La Victoire shoes have gained a strong following among the fashion forward.  Today you can find Pour La Victoire boots, heels and sandals either online or in stores such as Neimans, Harvey Nichols and Bloomingdales.  Of course, they can also be found in specialty boutiques!  So when I headed out for the evening, pairing my yellow Pour La Victoire sandals with my new green denim and a floral blouse, wasn’t a hard choice.  And I love to grab a blazer for my PLAY styles for a couple reasons…you never know when it’s going to get chilly, it dresses up the jeans a bit, and it always adds a bit of classiness to your style.  For accessories, I bundled up my neck with pearls, matched my pink lipstick to my clutch and I was off.  Happy Wednesday!



Ironing Out the Details:

Blouse – TOPSHOP, Similar sleeveless floral top here and here
Denim TOPSHOP and here in SHORTS
Bracelets TIFFANYS; QUEEN’S WARDROBE, Similar; Gifted, I think this is the exact one!
Ring – Gifted, Similar
HeelsPOUR LA VICTOIRE Jillanna Lace Up Sandal (now on sale on Amazon…good ole Amazon!)

Posted in Designer Spotlight, Play Style, Shoes, Style | Tagged , , , , , , , | 11 Comments

Under My Umbrella

The old saying goes…”April showers bring May flowers”, well here in Malaysia it’s not only April that has the showers, it’s every month of the year!  So while living in KL, I have become very prepared when the afternoon thunder starts to rumble in the distance…I’ve strategically started placing umbrellas in various different spots to grab on the go – one by the front door, one at work, a couple in the car, a travel size umbrella in my purse…you get the point.  And even when there is not a drop of rain in sight, Malaysians are still carrying umbrellas to shade themselves from the intense heat and sun!  So when spotting all these umbrellas all over town, I just wish one thing…that there were more bright-colored umbrellas!  For when it rains, don’t you want to be reminded of the sunnier days?!  Therefore, when I do see a cheery umbrella on the streets, I smile and often ask, “Where did you get that umbrella?”  Of course, my favorites are my bubble, dome-shaped umbrella styled here and here, AND my animal print here, but I think my next umbrella purchase may be one of these.  Which one is your favorite?  Do you have a cheery umbrella that you carry?


Colorful Gerbera Daisy Umbrella

Cirque du Soleil Chic Umbrella

Galleria Dahlia Umbrella

Galleria Palm Tree Umbrella

Monarch Butterfly Umbrella

Galleria Vineyard Umbrella

Floral Bouquet Stick Umbrella

Frankford Multi-Color Rainbow Umbrella

And of course…who doesn’t just love Paris…

Galleria Paris Umbrella

Speaking of umbrellas…while writing this post, I had this song playing in my head OVER and OVER.  So I just had to attach it…now it can get into your head, ha!

Happy Tuesday!  Stay dry!

Posted in Accessories and Handbags, General Information, Living in KL | Tagged , , , , , , , | 11 Comments

Monkeying Around

Driving around KL, we came across this unusual set of monkey bars so we decided to have some fun and take a few pictures.  Plus the sun was shining and it was a beautiful day!  But with the sun, comes the intense heat, so I was happy to have on my light-weight linen RL shirt and a comfortable skirt.  Sometimes when my shirts are just too large to tuck in, I will wear them out and add a cute belt to show off the waist…plus it doesn’t look as messy.  But no matter how hot, it’s never too humid for some fun accessories and of course my favorite arm candy!

I hope you had a great weekend.  Happy Monday!



Ironing Out the Details:

Blouse – RALPH LAUREN, Similar here, here and here
SkirtCURRENT/ELLIOTT Mixed Denim Skirt
Belt – Vintage, Similar
Earrings – FOREVER 21, Similar
Ring – Vintage; Similar here and here
BraceletsMICHAEL KORS; Gifted orange leather bracelet, Similar; Vintage gold, Similar
SunglassesFOREVER 21
Flats – ELIZABETH AND JAMES Mena, Cognac Distressed; Similar  SPOTLIGHTED HERE
Bag – FOLEY + CORINNA Lady Cite Tote (color and size sold out), Similar here and here

Posted in Accessories and Handbags, Clothing, Day Style, Living in KL, Style | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 24 Comments